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Hello, I'm Regan


I am a UX Designer currently working freelance.

I am thrilled to have found UX Design, and to be able to advocate for and empower the user.


Before I entered into the UX Design field, I was the user - and only the user.  I would be on sites, or apps, or would be using a product, or some piece of technology, and I would notice something that I didn't like, or something that really didn't work for me as the user.  But, I wouldn't say anything.  To whom would I say it? 


The world in which these sites, apps, products, and technologies were created and maintained was apart from me; from my world.  I felt like I couldn't change anything.  I felt I couldn't advocate for myself; for what I wanted as a user.  I didn't have a passport to that other world.  I didn't know the people, or speak the language, or even know where to find it on a map.  It was the other; the unknown other.  And I had no voice there.

Then I discovered UX design, and the veil lifted.  I realized I can now have a voice, not only for myself, but for all those other users who feel they don't have a passport to this other world.  I can advocate for the user and for what they want from their sites, apps, products, and technology. 


As a UX Designer, I can help make the "other" known, and help to build a sense of agency and confidence in users, so they feel and know that their voice matters.

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