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Usability Study: Findings

Usability Study: Findings

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Round 1 Findings



The schedule page was modified from links that separated it into "previous" and "current" months to a single scrolling schedule.  The schedule was still divided by months, but the items and the months all appear on the same long scroll.  Users found this more convenient and the KPI of "time-to-complete-task" demonstrated users were faster and less frustrated when operating the new long scroll format

The use of the rainbow menu design was not as efficient as it should be.  Due to this, the rainbow menu was removed, and replaced with a straight-across menu, to allow for easier navigation

Round 2 Findings



Back arrows were added to a few of the pages that stemmed from landing pages & not from menus.  This allowed for easier navigation back to the main landing page, so the user wouldn't have to reroute through the top menu again.

On the School Schedule page, I added a link to the calendar at the bottom of the schedule's page.  The usability studies found the user's wishing to reference the listed schedule against the more visual calendar option.  Because of this, linking the two via a quick button press made sense for the user.


Overlay lightboxes replaced the previous separate navigation page for the school projects.  This change allows users to quickly gain information about school projects, and then allows them to quickly return to the projects landing page

Anchor 1

Usability Study: Revisions

Usability Study: Revisions

Because of that finding, the menu was redesigned in a more traditional way to allow easier user navigation

Although it was visually fun, this design choice led to some confusion in finding menu headings

Initial design had the menu arced, and integrated into the rainbow

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